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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • Bảo hành (tháng): 12
Mã số sản phẩm: TOP5
Giá chưa gồm VAT: 1.000.000 ₫
Giá bao gồm VAT: 1.100.000 ₫
Số lượng hàng trong kho: 10
Còn hàng: Còn hàng trong kho

Above all else, Geralt has to get paid. He's not the chosen one here to save everyone from impending doom; he's not serving a higher purpose or following his destiny. Geralt is trying to find his daughter before The Wild Hunt catches up with her, but a noble purpose won't get him better gear or keep him fed, so he's always looking for work. With that one simple distinction, the side action of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt becomes more than just stat-boosting busy work and becomes something that genuinely adds to the character of the game and its star.

It certainly doesn't hurt that the world you're exploring is massive andinteresting. Geralt encounters all sorts of people - the working stiffs, the middle class, the royals - and they've all got their own unique perspective on the world, the war, and the Witcher himself. Virtually everyone is worth talking to, and every location is worth visiting because they feel real; you're not just moving from place to place to tick off the next box on your To Do list or find the next best armor shop. Moving through the world has an authenticity many open worlds lack. It's grubby and funny and sweet and unfair and scary and familiar. The Witcher 3 truly feels like a journey, rather than just waypoints on the path to the dramatic final battle.
